Esta estranha sensação...

Roubaram votos nas eleições das associações de estudantes e usaram o dinheiro dessas associações para depois financiarem as suas viagens de finalistas e outras despesas pessoais. Ora se eles aprenderam a enganar nos tempos da juventude, por que raio não haveriam de fazer o mesmo agora, quando são os senhores do mundo e estão nos gabinetes de decisão? Falo de Portugal e dos nossos líderes de opinião e de governo. Falo também desta estranha sensação de falta de Democracia que se vive no mundo, como podem ver neste texto de Greg Palast.
Eis um excerto:

"So we can call Ohio and New Mexico for John Kerry—if we count all the votes.
But that won't happen. Despite the Democratic Party's pledge, the leadership this time gave in to racial disenfranchisement once again. Why? No doubt, the Democrats know darn well that counting all the spoiled and provisional ballots will require the cooperation of Ohio's Secretary of State, Blackwell. He will ultimately decide which spoiled and provisional ballots get tallied. Blackwell, hankering to step into Kate Harris' political pumps, is unlikely to permit anything close to a full count. Also, Democratic leadership knows darn well the media would punish the party for demanding a full count.
What now? Kerry won, so hold your victory party. But make sure the shades are down: it may be become illegal to demand a full vote count under PATRIOT Act III.
I used to write a column for the Guardian papers in London. Several friends have asked me if I will again leave the country. In light of the failure—a second time—to count all the votes, that won't be necessary. My country has left me."

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